Behind the mask

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Comings and goings

Since I've been in the food business for nearly 9 years! Yikes I didn't realize it has been that long already. One of the few certinites in the business is constant turn over. In the last couple of days at my latest post at the June Mtn cafe we lost one cashier due to issues in housing and not showing up to work. And we also are getting a new cashier to replace him and a new food server from washington whose coming from the snoqamish(sp) resort which has no snow this year to replace the one who we lost due to him not showing up to work. See a pattern here.

In fact one of the easiet ways to get fired in the food business or any job at all is to not show up to work at all. Usually in most resturants they will over look almost any illicet activity as long as you make it to work.* Okay you can't get away with murder but pretty much everything else. Why? Well if you busted everybody who smoked pot and did drugs in many resturants you wouldn't be able to operate most resturants. So it goes on.

I am just going to recount some of my most memorable ways people got fired. Most of them involved a lot of drinking.

1. Jumping on a buffalo.(This acutually happpend in Yellowstone National Park where I worked for four summers) He left the park with a 5000 dollar fines.
2. Stealing two cases of beer and wrecking a a pot of soup. He got his last pay check and a visit with the Park judge.
3. Landing in Jail for outstanding warrents.(Yellowstone again)
4. Pot. (Too many to count)
5. Pulling the fire extingusher.(Had to be out by five am after pulling it at 8:00pm)
6. Getting into fights. I've seen entire lines get canned by doing this.
7. Dissapearing off the face of the earth with thier 1000 bank, I'm not sure what happened to the guy, but he has/had a nice federal warrent on the books.
8. Stealing..A major no no in my book. Is 200 bucks worth 2 years in jail?

These are just some of intresting ways people have got fired in my time in the food business. Feel free to share your stories Why I am still in it after all these years? Because I do love the challenge and food comes down one thing. It based on relationships. Now where else in the world can i walk through a kitchen and hear seven different languages being spoken at one time. It's the greatest business in the world but also the toughest in the world. And having a thick skin helps quite a bit. Because the characters in the food business are more intersting that in many novels and movies. And the man reason it's the people. That's what makes it worth it coming to work everyday.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

North to Alaska

Well it's offical I'm going to be heading up to Alaska for the summer to work and play in the land of the midnight sun in late april. I will be working in Denali National park as a assistant manager at a new 100 seat food court. I'm excited because after years of working in some awesome historical buildings in yellowstone and a crappy stadium with the Potomac cannons that has some severe limitations, i get a chance to be some of the first people to break in a entirely new building and find out all the quirks first hand. It's going to intresting to say the least. Now it's time to get back to the slopes