Behind the mask

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Swag....Swag is good.

Swag is the term for free stuff. In snowboard world, most riders are wearing a large of mount of gear starting with thier board, boots and bindings that are necessary to ride the big three P's (pipes park and powder) Powder is the holy grail of the ski world. For there is nothing like a good powder day. Let me tell you. Then there is the snow pants, gloves, coat, google and hat. You need all this to keep the snow off of you and keep you warm on the cold days on the slopes. It is also a great opportunity to advertise you loyalty and your sponsers if you are good enough to be sponsered. Which can be easier said then done. However you can pull off cab 720's with big air it's only going to be a matter of time before you get sponsered if you want that. But most people like to to get free stuff especially snowboard gear, when it can cost over a thousand dollars to get started, you'll take all the free stuff you can get. So to sum it up. Gear is good, swag is better.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The itch to travel.

With there only being ten days left in June Mountian season. Which i'm looking forward to it being over by the way. It's time to think about doing some traveling before heading up too alaska and also catch some baseball games along the way. Right now I've only got one planned and that's in phoenix and that will be great, but in the two and half weeks i'll have off between being done with june and going to alaska. I need to get some games in. Maybe even somehow a potomac national game in. (Which I doubt somehow) Getting over to dc when i'm the left coast, it's not likely to happen. But hey try as you might it still could work out some how. But I'll be catching a few games between now and then. That I can be sure of, for baseball is the part of the day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

It's spring right?

According to the calander spring started just a few days ago, but here in Mammoth lakes it's to tell it. Once again were getting dumped on. This time we have got over three feet of snow in the last couple of days. Crazy I'll tell you. It's strange that the mammoth lakes area has one of the best snowpacks in the country, in fact they will be sking and riding well in July this year. While there are resorts and area of the country that they didn't get even enough snow to open this year. Needless to say for them it could be a very ugly fire season this year for them. Let's pray that won't happen but it's not likely. For myself I'm ready for the June mtn to be over so i can catch a few baseball games before I head up to alaska for the summer. So i'll get my taste of spring there. Only one more week until opening day.

Friday, March 04, 2005

29 days until Opening day!

It's 29 days until Opening day and that's a good thing. Living in ski resort at times it seems the world of baseball is a million miles away. Because pretty much the number one focus of everybody around here is to ride and that's it. To find some good discussion of baseball around here takes a long time. In fact baseball intrest in mammoth lakes doesn't really even register on the radar screen. It's all about riding here.

It's been a strange offseason a part of me is itching to get back in the game and be preparing for the upcoming season by finishing up the rest of the sponsorship deals and getting all the food lined up for the season and what am I doing now? Working at ski resort and preparing to go Alaska for the summer. Crazy isn't it? Well getting back to national park isn't a bad thing. How many people can say that they have spent summer in not one but two national parks?

For those of you that care my old baseball team the Potomac Cannons have been undering going some major changes this offseason. Changing affliations from the reds to the Washington Nationals(makes sense consider their only 30 miles away from each other. And also changing the name from the Cannons to the Nationals to piggyback on the name recogination of the big league team. And bringing in a new group of interns and some new staffers including a new food guy who will have has his hands full ruuning the food operation because the pfitzs food op is challenge to run. I wish him best of luck this season because he'll need it with all the challenges he'll be facing this year.
Me I'm looking forward to sitting down drinking a beer at a ballgame and not worrying at all about the drama of the concession stand.