Behind the mask

Monday, July 31, 2006

Cooking implements

In my house I have finnally taken care of a moral outrage when it comes my kitchen. What's that you may ask? The lack of quality knives. I have plenty of knives around this house. But none of them are very good. And in fact they really sucked, they're cheap, hadn't been sharpened in ages and didn't cut worth a damn. It made using them really frustrating to use. I finally had enough and got a top of the line bread knife and it is a beauty to use. But that only addressed one defenicy. Having a bread knife is a good start, but if your chef's knife isn't any good, you can only go so far in the kitchen before giving up and calling for takeout. So when I was up in Oregon, I took care of the problem of awful knives. But getting a decent set of knives that should hold up for a while considering the abuse they will take at the house with all the people that come and go at my place. They won't be my personal set of knives which I'm saving up for a set of Heinkels or Wusthof's, but they will do. It is so nice to cut things with a sharp knife. It makes a world of difference.

All in All my kitchen is pretty well stocked but it was lacking some basic cooking supplies.
Then's the tuberware mystery. I have a whole bunch of lids that have no bowls for them. Where those bowls went is a mystery. On that I think to solve it I would have to travel to at least three countries and two contients. It would be adventure and a story worth telling.
But in the mean time, I also picked up a new set of tuberware and it's cool to have a place store your left overs.

And then I can't say how cool it is to have a pair a tongs. It's way cool, to pull things out without schorching your hands.
And last but not least, is finding some bargin cookies cutters. they rock now I just need to make a few batches of cookies.

It's cool to have some decent cooking supplies. And when it comes to cooking it's always more fun to cook for other people than just for yourself.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Ballparks and Journeys

Okay, I'm up to three ballparks this season since my trip to go visit my sister and brother in-law in Klamath Falls Oregon and some other friends in the state in the middle of the month. Which kinda of explains my lack of blogging. Nah, not really. I don't have much of an excuse. All I know is that I'm torn, while I love being in the mountains, Especially after the winter we had here. But at the same time I miss being around the ballpark everyday. And boy it is tough since jobs are starting to open up in the baseball industry and a few of them have intriguied me already. All these things seem to be under the question of Why are you here? and where are you going? These two questions I've been struggling with for most of summer.(Which got started very late around here) Maybe it's the fact I want something more, for some of the thinking and reasons that lead me to stay here in Mammoth for the summer, have ended up being totally different that what has happened this summer. After getting seveal reports about happenings in Denali this summer, I'm glad I'm not up there again. And who would have thought that I would be part of a church thats reorganiziing to a model where teams are leading and doing the visioning, instead of just a few people who provide the vision and leadership like many churches. What can I say the Lighthouse is not your father's church.
Which is just one of many things that have been going on. And even in the relationship front. Which there hasn't been much going on. And when I think about it, I keep coming back to a thought that I have had about it. "Is to keep watching and waiting and you will see my glory shine." Which when you think about it a really awesome promise. Except the toughest thing to do is just wait to see it come to pass.
And I think that's part of what I want more of. To see God's glory just shine. In my life and in others. Even if I have no idea of how it should look like at times, or where I'm headed to next. Weather it's in Mammoth for another winter season or at a ballpark somewhere. I've been realizing that it's in the quiet that God really does the moving and just to listen, you'll might just be surprised about what's going on.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Dancing Patty Monkey

The Dancing Paty Monkey dance has been the rage of the Lighthouse community since we saw it when the church in the basement folks came and visted us over the july fourth. Scroll down and go to the second video in the movies section and watch and enjoy. It's so awesome. It's begging for a sequel.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Garage weddings, thousand year old eggs and other questions

With the coming and going of the fourth and the end of the ski season here in Mammoth it's seems to really be summer here finally. Well what have I been up too? Well lot's of things, let's see. My birthday which was pretty quiet then There was the wedding of one of my roommates which we ended up having most of the recepition in the garage! to avoid the rain at the time of cermony It was lot's of fun. Thankfully it stopped raining so that the dancing could commence. Where we had a lots of fun dancing, which the highlight of the night was the Dancing Patty Monkey dance which we learned from the Church in basement folks from Fresno Ca who....
Paid us a visit for couple of days around the fourth. It was pretty cool since they didn't bother to let us know that they were going to stay at our place until they walked in the door. Which was pretty shocking considering that three of the four were girls. My Roomate was very shocked because he was there when they walked in.(I live in one of the guys houses where co-habitation isn't really allowed) I was off housesitting when they arrived and when I got i back, i was like cool. Could someplease tell us when we get guests. So while they here it was a blast. I tried a thousand year old egg, watched a lot of cool movies that they had made. They are pretty intresting let me tell you. We are looking to return the favor by crashing at one of the Church in the basement girls houses some time in August, to catch a baseball game and maybe an Audio Adrenline/veggie tales Concert at the same time :)

So I've had a fairly busy last week or so, next up is a few more days of work then off to Klamath Falls, Ore to go visit my sister and brother in law :)

Then with all the cool things, there's always a few questions I've thinking about, what am I still doing in Mammoth Lakes? Especially when baseball jobs are starting to open up. And what about this relationship thing that I have no idea about at the moment. The there is the underlying truth of God that he is there in all the cool and not so cool things that are going on and the questions that are being asked.
The questions that we don't ask often enough is are we listening?
And the more I think about, I just need to seek after God whereever it may lead. And for everyhthing else(even relationships) I think I stick with baseball, at times for me it just makes sense in a insane world.

And if you ever get to try a thousand year old egg. Go for it. It's good.