With enjoyable days of fall rapidly dwindling, it’s time to think about getting firewood for the winter. For the house I’m living at it will take about five to six chords of firewood to get through the winter. While gathering it’s amazing to realize how many times you pick up the same piece of wood to get it to the fire.
I’ll give you an example many times you pick it.
1. Moving the tree to cut the round.
2. Cutting the round and moving it to the truck.
3. Throwing Round into the splitting pile.
4. Moving Round to be spilt.
5. Throwing the spilt wood into another pile.
6. Throwing the spilt wood into the back of the truck.
7. Moving the truck to an area closer to the house to be thrown into another pile to be stacked.
8. Stacking the spilt wood.
9. Moving wood into the house to be burned.
10. And finally putting the wood into the fireplace.
So to get one piece of fire wood into the place you have to pick it up at least ten times. It’s a pretty long process, but we have around two more cords of wood to go before we are done. I can’t wait for it be over.
I’ll give you an example many times you pick it.
1. Moving the tree to cut the round.
2. Cutting the round and moving it to the truck.
3. Throwing Round into the splitting pile.
4. Moving Round to be spilt.
5. Throwing the spilt wood into another pile.
6. Throwing the spilt wood into the back of the truck.
7. Moving the truck to an area closer to the house to be thrown into another pile to be stacked.
8. Stacking the spilt wood.
9. Moving wood into the house to be burned.
10. And finally putting the wood into the fireplace.
So to get one piece of fire wood into the place you have to pick it up at least ten times. It’s a pretty long process, but we have around two more cords of wood to go before we are done. I can’t wait for it be over.