Behind the mask

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


One of the bad things about being a writer, English major, reader is that you tend acquire a lot of books and I won’t even begin to mention the games that I have. All that stuff is great and all, but once you start traveling around you realize how much of the stuff you don’t even use anymore and don’t need to carry around. But everytime you try to get rid of the stuff you keep on finding more and more reasons to keep it. And if you’re are not paying attention you somehow end up with more books. As much as you try to stop your self it’s a hard habit to break. So I just keep them around because you never know when you may end up reading them again. So when you travel you end up taking just a few of the books that mean the most to you, your clothes for four season because you never know what climate you me be in next. And the gear for your next destination together and try to stuff into two or three suitcases all trying to keep them under 50 pounds to make the airlines happy. Then board your flight for your next adventure. Knowing one of these days you’ll me moving into a place for good.


  • At 12:15 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    I hear ya!! I've spent enough time in transition and transit to develop a strong distaste for packing. I'm here in Spokane to stay for awhile. OH YEAH!!!


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