What I've learned about witnessing.....
During my time with the Yellowstone Christian Innovators, Lutheran Campus ministries at Minot State University and other experiences before and after becoming a christian . I have learned much about witnessing and what to do and not to do.
Among the most important lessons are
1. Listen
2. Don’t judge
3. Shut up
4. Listen
5. Hang out with them
6. Don’t judge
7. Don’t try to out proselytize Mormon missionaries, it can’t be done. Instead build relationships with them.
8. Listen
9. Always invite non Christians to your events,
10. Never condone them when you hear their stories of wild parties and questionable hook-ups.
11. Listen
12. Don’t judge.
13. And don’t forget to listen.
A few things not to do.
1. Don’t quote bible verses when people are engaged in sinful behaviors. People for some reason shut you out.
2. Don’t gossip.
3. And don’t do everything that you been saying not to do. It seems to quickly affect you credibility.
Naturally I could easily give you a lot more things of what to and not to do but they big lessons I’ve learned are this. Build Relationships and give voice to those that have none. If you do that you are really fulfilling the great commission in ways that truly are life changing.
If more people are focused on those two things instead of worrying about petty minor difference like how they baptize people. (Dunking or sprinkling) The world could be a much different place.
For I know when I am doing things right. Questions about God, religion, faith and other spiritual matters come up naturally, never forced. And the conversations are deep and meanful, and once in a while somebody gets it and comes to know god on a personal basis. And when that happens it is truly awesome.
Just some thoughts.
Among the most important lessons are
1. Listen
2. Don’t judge
3. Shut up
4. Listen
5. Hang out with them
6. Don’t judge
7. Don’t try to out proselytize Mormon missionaries, it can’t be done. Instead build relationships with them.
8. Listen
9. Always invite non Christians to your events,
10. Never condone them when you hear their stories of wild parties and questionable hook-ups.
11. Listen
12. Don’t judge.
13. And don’t forget to listen.
A few things not to do.
1. Don’t quote bible verses when people are engaged in sinful behaviors. People for some reason shut you out.
2. Don’t gossip.
3. And don’t do everything that you been saying not to do. It seems to quickly affect you credibility.
Naturally I could easily give you a lot more things of what to and not to do but they big lessons I’ve learned are this. Build Relationships and give voice to those that have none. If you do that you are really fulfilling the great commission in ways that truly are life changing.
If more people are focused on those two things instead of worrying about petty minor difference like how they baptize people. (Dunking or sprinkling) The world could be a much different place.
For I know when I am doing things right. Questions about God, religion, faith and other spiritual matters come up naturally, never forced. And the conversations are deep and meanful, and once in a while somebody gets it and comes to know god on a personal basis. And when that happens it is truly awesome.
Just some thoughts.
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