Behind the mask

Thursday, November 02, 2006

More observations about ND.

Food: Where are the spices?, now there's nothing wrong with a meatloaf and potatos dinner or a casserole, or other norwegian dishes that have very little spices in them. But after tasting what, just some salt and pepper can do to them, it's an eye opener. Please use them and all other types of seasonings will do you and the dishes much good. In fact spices, seasonings and flavoring are amazing things to use, please, please use them. And it's okay to make things hot, a little sweat when you eat is a good thing.

Hot food: I mean spicy, does anybody besides transplanted mexicans and southerners that are now living in ND know what hot food truly is? And no Taco Bell doesn't count.

What is about the vast wide open and empty prairies that is appealing, awe-inspiring, epic, boring, mind numbing, depressing all at the same time. And what can I say, I've missed it, but I'm ready to get back to the mountians :) Both are awesome in thier own way.

A prairie sunset is unlike much else in the world.

You can find good beer in Minot, you have just got to know where to look, and no PBR is not a good beer.

Since when did Legends change thier name to the Chicago Club?

And what is a city truly saying at night.

Just a few obseravations


  • At 3:57 PM, Blogger Tara Ulrich said…

    Lets try this again. You are completely right and I agree 100%. There is nothing more beautiful than a prairie sunset/sunrise. It is one of my most favorite things in the whold world. Have a safe trip back to Mammoth and thanks for the couch.


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