Behind the mask

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

June Mtn is closed.

Well with very little snow this season. June mountain is now closed for the season. Which is something is pretty crazy. Well what does that mean for me? Well since there is no snow, it means there is very little work anywhere Mammoth. So I don't have a job right now, i think i'm going to file for unemployment and hang out and see if we get any snow soon. Because as much as I am ready to do something different. I feel like it's not time to leave yet. For I got stuff going on that I would feel like it would be a mistake to leave right now. And as much as I want to give up and get frustated by her at times, i feel like I can't give up for something amazing will be happening in her life sooner or later. Tell then sometimes I just need to remember that this thing is long term and even if the short term has some ups and downs.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

The crud is no fun!

Once again, It's January and I find myself dealing with another round the crud. What's that? It's a really nasty virus, that gives you a nice chest cold, plenty of hacking and very little energy. Since it's a virus there's no drug or medicine you can take to help make you better. So the only thing you can do is suffer through it and just deal with it. Even though it's no fun. It's no fun dealing a cough for three weeks or so, while all the time you want it to be over. Wanting to just to be able to enjoy yourself and have the energy to have fun. myself, I just it be over so that I can think of other things without having all my thoughts shrouded in a fog. At least I don't have to work tomorrow so that's good. Hopefully I'll have enough energy to do something fun.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A night in a hotel room.

I was in the process of writing a post about saying good-bye to Abby, which would have tried to put words into the process of saying goodbye with all the thoughts, feelings and emotions that accompany it. Then a few days later while I was in the middle of it, I get a phone call.
"Where are you at?"
"Nebraska !?!?!. What are you doing there?"

It turns out that instead of making it to Eugene, Oregon as planned she was heading home to Ohio for no particular reason other than it was home. During the course of the conversation, I asked her, "What are you going to back to Ohio for? And who are you going back for? Yourself or others? And is that what you really want."

It turns out that she didn't really want to go back to Ohio; instead she just needed a few days away from Mammoth. So now she's headed back to Mammoth, back at her Old job at June Man. and she will be able to figure out what's next in a safe and healthy environment. And I think by the time June Mtn closes in April, things will be a lot clearer.

And what do I make all of this. From throwing her goodbye party to talking her back to Mammoth, I’m still trying to make sense of it. And I'm just amazed to think that I help change her direction dramatically and helped prevent what was looking like a really bad decision to go home for all the wrong reasons. Now that she is going to be back for the rest of the season, I think there is going to be some amazing and awesome things happen to her in the next couple of months. I know there was a reason that she stopped at that hotel room in Nebraska and also a reason why she's coming back to Mammoth. It's no accident that either one happened. I'm just amazed that it's always when you don't think anything is going on, is when the major stuff is really happening. So till next time, I've got some cooking to do.

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

We have heat!

Mammoth has been undergoing quite a cold snap in the last few days. So bad that many houses pipes have frozen up. Keeping the plumbers around town very busy. Though our pipes didn't our heating unit did, so it created for a couple of really cold nights, till we got it thawed out today and now we have heat and that's a good thing. So tonight will be much warmer in the house..
And now if I can only shake this nasty cold I've got, things will be much better, but it's feeling like the crud once again and it takes three weeks to get over it. I've had it every season that I've been here and it sucks. I just to be done with it. I just want to enjoy my days with out hacking through them. And I really want to be feeling much better for Abby's going away party on Tuesday which I'm hosting along with an old roommate of hers. It's going to be a lot of fun, but also there will be a lot of emotions that night and the next day and beyond. Maybe I'll get around to saying some of the things I've been thinking aloud to her. We will see....
And in a real crazy story. The Mammoth Lighthouse chuch which I'm apart of has been selected by the 700 club as one of thier "church of the week" So that's some really cool news, even if that show pisses you off from time to time. I have no idea of when the segement will air but I will keep you posted.

Friday, January 05, 2007

June is finnally open!

Well it was only a few weeks behind but with the last storm, we finally managed to get June Mtn on Friday the 5th. open!!! It was a good day to say the least. Now we just need some more snow and all will be good. It is a welcome change to have full time work again and not just be hanging out, waiting for snow. In many ways the ski bussiness is like farming. Without water there will be no crops and with out snow thier will not be a season. And as anybody knows who has spent anytime around the farm. It's not just getting rain, it's when you get it and how much you get at once. For a massive downpour doesn't do much for a farmer. Especially when it's two months before the next rainfall. It's kinda of works for skiing the same way. Get a storm on a holiday weekend and it's pretty much killed the weekend. But get that same storm a few days before on slower midweek days, it's going to be a crazy weekend. And with no snow thier are no skiers.
No skiers equal no work and money. So in the end it's all about timing and learning to live with the good seasons and the bad. Till the next storm. GO BUCKEYES!


Thursday, January 04, 2007

87 days!

There's only 87 days left until opening day of the baseball season!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The white album

One of the things about living with a bunch of snowboarders is that they pretty much live, breath and eat snowboarding. If they are not on the hill practing their rodeo 720's they are watching snowboarding video's at night. And I mean a lot of them. I think they have watched the WHITE Album starring shaun"the flying tomoato" white and a few others everysingle day for a like a month. Now I can take a snowboarding video now and then. But when they are watching the same video for the fifth day in a row. It's time to do something different. Because there's so much more to do than watch the same video over and over. Like baseball.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

As we are waiting for snow...

Since it hasn't snowed enough in over in June to open, it hasn't been been much fun waiting around for snow. Hopefully with the storm that is in the way we will get enough snow to be able to open and have a real season. But the meantime with June Mtn not being it has allowed me to a bunch of time of do other things, like work a pretty good news party at the Yoddler were I worked this summer. It was a good time and I was glad I was getting paid to work it and not having to pay to get in. Also this period of not working very much allowed me to go up too Klamath Falls for christmas which ended up being way cool to be able to be with most of my family. Except for my little sister who is trekking around europe on her christmas break from her study abroad program. How's this for places to spend Christmas and New years? Rome and Paris. Not too bad.
And with this time of waiting for snow, it's allowed me a lot of time to think of what's next. As much as I like the seasonal world and the people that are apart of it. It's one that you have to pick up and go every five to six months, which is cool for a while going to new places and meeting new people from all over the world. But after a while it gets old. And it's sometimes it's nice to call a place home for a while. I guess I'm just ready to move on from Mammoth Lakes and the ski culture. It's been a good time but it's time to do something different. The question will it be in a few weeks or after June closes in April, either way I feel the window to do something different is now open. What and where are questions that are wide open. I am looking forward to the figuring out the answers. And the fact that one of my favorite people in the world is deciding to leave in a couple of weeks to move to Oregon, throws an entire plehtora of feelings, issues and thoughts in the mix. Even though she's leaving, I have a feeling that's there's still several more chapters to be written between us. Till then,

Pray for snow!
