Behind the mask

Friday, January 05, 2007

June is finnally open!

Well it was only a few weeks behind but with the last storm, we finally managed to get June Mtn on Friday the 5th. open!!! It was a good day to say the least. Now we just need some more snow and all will be good. It is a welcome change to have full time work again and not just be hanging out, waiting for snow. In many ways the ski bussiness is like farming. Without water there will be no crops and with out snow thier will not be a season. And as anybody knows who has spent anytime around the farm. It's not just getting rain, it's when you get it and how much you get at once. For a massive downpour doesn't do much for a farmer. Especially when it's two months before the next rainfall. It's kinda of works for skiing the same way. Get a storm on a holiday weekend and it's pretty much killed the weekend. But get that same storm a few days before on slower midweek days, it's going to be a crazy weekend. And with no snow thier are no skiers.
No skiers equal no work and money. So in the end it's all about timing and learning to live with the good seasons and the bad. Till the next storm. GO BUCKEYES!



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