Behind the mask

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Opening day

The 2006 baseball season has began.

For me it is always one of the best days of the year for no matter what may be going on in my life or the world. It is good to know that there is still hope in the world. For when I am at the park it is all good. I can forget about things like relationships, girls, outside problems, what I am doing next, work and all that fun stuff and just focus on one of the greatest things on earth and that is being at a ballpark. Where as a fan and I can block out all of those things and just enjoy the moment of being there For there is nothing like it in the world. If you understand what they joy of being at the ballpark is there nothing else than can measure up. Some may think baseball is boring game, but it is anything but. There is more going on in game of baseball then a hundred football games. Huh? You saying what? That's right there is more going on in a game of baseball because unlike football or basketball where all of the action is front of you. Baseball's action is subtle if you not paying attention you may never notice the second baseman move two steps to his right to cover a left handed pull hitter and then be in postion to make a great play. You might never be aware of it, that movement and thousands of others that may never get noticed are just one of many reasons why baseball is so great.
The only problem this year is for me like most years is that I am not at a ballpark on opening day. This year I should be able top last years total of just three ballgames. As there are quite a few teams throughout California. It's going to be good to check them out. For I am still on my quest to find the best pizza, beer, and ballpark in America.

So Take me out to the ballgame!


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