Behind the mask

Monday, March 05, 2007

baseball and waiting

Have you ever felt like you know what you want to do, but yet you are so far away. It's frustrating. For myself I want to be back working around the ballpark this summer and of right now. It's not likely to be happening this summer. As the job I appiled for with the Stockton ports baseball club was outsourced to a food company. I'm okay with it, because obiviously it's not the right timing to get back in the game. But it doesn't mean it's frustrating to say the least.
I guess frustrating is a good mood to describe my mood latley. For i've been frustated in this thing called a realationship and friendship. For I'm just waiting for something to happen along with this guy called Jesus but it feels like, nothing is going to break along this front. Which ties into the whole relationship thing, which has been leaving me quite frustrated. Some how I've got the feeling that a lot the second of part will take care of it's self when the first part is figured out. Though it doesn't mean it's easy by any means and of course it is frustrating. Till things break in some fashion, I'll just keep waiting for the first game of the year.

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