Behind the mask

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Writing cover letters is no fun.

You know what. Writing a cover letter to apply for jobs is not much fun. First you need to find the job, then dust off the resume and write a cover letter that tries to match the job and your experiences and work that you have done. All the while trying to kiss up and beg the Human Resource manager to hire me, hire me.

But you can't say any of that or be that obvious in your cover letter because your carefully crafted resume will be thrown right into the slush pile. Instead you must carefully craft a letter that diplomatically touts your skills and experiences all the while masking the fact you are kissing the ass of the HR manager. Even if you are, you can't do obviously. Because you got to learn how to do it by invoking three different codes, translating the latest conspiracy theory and then come up with a cover story that will get you by the bull shit detectors of the HR manager. It's lots of fun and once you get your letter all done, then it's time to revise, edit and let other people look at it and make further revisions. And once you are done you have the fun of doing it all over again. Why? Editing is so much fun. And one of these days it will be might be sent out. And don’t forget to always thank the person that is reading it. It just might help


  • At 8:59 AM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    Andrew, I care about you because I'm your friend therefore I want you to be hired so I'm going to risk sounding a bit elitist and tell you that I really hope you're editing your cover letters better than you edited that blog post. Just a thought.

  • At 11:16 AM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    Hey. They blog post looks better, but there are still a few sentences that could be fixed. The first should end with a question mark. Right....I'm going to go edit my own blog now. What was that verse about the log in your own eye and the speck in your brother's eye?


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